I found this post sitting in my editor I wrote about 4 years ago, and I decided I should publish it today.
A little over two years ago (now about 6 years as of publishing), I never thought I would be in the security industry. I grew up watching my parents on the computer coding, messing with computers, running command line scripts, etc.. and always thought I would never be smart enough to do what they do, so that was never on my list of career options. I always thought, wow this is too complex I could never handle it. What I discovered while working at Wordfence was that I had a real passion for security. I found it wouldn’t be too “hard” to learn, but why? Security is a tough industry and is difficult in many unique ways. But, what I found is I has a true passion for security. A passion that would fuel me through the fire and challenges of what I needed (and need) to learn. See, I found that regardless of the difficulties, if I am truly passionate then nothing would ever seem impossible.
And the reason I am saying this, is that I am sure this is true for you too. Passion creates fire, and fire pushes you to places you never thought possible.
Explore possibilities you never thought possible. Reflect on things that intrigue you, learn new things, because you never know what might be waiting for you around the corner.
Find those that help you grow and help you excel at life. I wouldn’t be where I am without the support foundation I have both at home and in the workspace. I may have gotten myself where I am today, but I can also say I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the opportunities that I was provided. If it weren’t for those opportunities, I would have never explored a path I thought possible.
A little over two years ago, I wanted to be a psychiatrist or an anesthesiologist. I would have been stuck in school for 12 years and been perfectly content (or so I thought?). But, now I get to travel the world, something I believe was truly meant for my life. I get to learn new and exciting things everyday. I get to face challenges that I never knew I would.
Always remember, everything happens for a reason. Everything put in your path is meant to make you stronger. It’s meant to build you into the person you are meant to be.
I will forever be grateful for the opportunities I have been given, the struggles I have been given, the life I have been given, the happiness I have given, the dark moments I have been given, because these are the things that have made me who I am today and they will be the things that continue to make me who I am tomorrow.
You should too.
Stop what you are doing, and think. Is this really what makes you happy?